It was funny walking back home after statistics class on Saturday. It was a little past 3pm, sun still in the sky and Sunday was off-day – from attending school, I mean. After 13 consecutive days living inside the MBA bubble it was a mixture of freedom and misplacement. It is good to go home and have a rest after the first wave of the program, but also strange somehow. The introductory week came strong. Staying late discussing cases already happened. Repeatedly.

Suddenly you find yourself inside this routine that keeps your mind active for 16-18h, coming in for 8am classes, the moon still up and sunlight changing the colors in the sky. You greet people as you make your way into Lorange – double expresso, bananas and oranges please – day after day. 4 hours of insights, mind challenges and entertainment at some points. Lunch break – yes, capital letter. 4 more hours of new perspectives, cutting-edge knowledge and entertainment – really, the classes come with an impressive amount of humor, it is art in a way. And then, stay late or go home to finish the readings and preparation. You get used to it.

It feels good stepping out of it a little bit to enjoy the other part of this experience. Lausanne has its secrets to reveal, and we have an excellent guide to them. Saturday off to relax, catch some breath before coming back. Sunday with readings and preparation.
Breath recovered; the program has officially started. The work for the first official week (so far) is: 8 cases to work on, 4 base materials to read, 3 chapters of Finance and Accounting assignments on the making. Two working groups intercalating, and start-ups assigned. Little break to work on personal branding – thanks for the first moments of more personal interaction and meaningful insights. Yup, it started.