Jan – April : The ambitious professional
After a decade of professional life, I mulled over taking a break and investing in my development through an MBA. I thought about what I would be giving up, how much I would be spending and what I would stand to gain. This decision was no epiphany, rather a well-researched investment opportunity. Taking stock of all I was, I took my own advice and started the application to IMD.
May – July : The confident entrepreneur
I put forth my case as to why I needed IMD, what I would bring to the table and how I would use my time and learnings. I felt like an entrepreneur pitching her business plan. I prepared a 1-year plan, 3-year plan, 5-year plan and even a backup plan. Upon acceptance I was elated. The Hilti Scholarship gave me further confidence in my ability and my decision.
August – September : The nervous investor
As I wrote 2 big cheques to the school, I realized that I was the investor pouring all savings into next year. I made this investment choice and I need to ensure that I get good returns.
October- November : The product under pressure
As I gave up my apartment and started working on handing over my current role, I felt the weight of my decision. I took in the fact that I am the investor and that I am the product as well. Did I overestimate myself? Are my strengths good enough? Are my weaknesses tolerable? Will I be able to justify the investment and not let myself down?
December: The student
Next year is all about learning to deal with uncertainty and pressure. A step in the direction of learning will only lead to glory. Therefore, I decided to keep calm and enjoy the journey. Moreover, I have 93 people to share the journey with. Then there is the school with its mighty hands ready to support us while we figure out how to fly.
I am nervous. But I also am curious, excited, open minded and ready to fail and learn, and fail and learn and fly.