Hello from Anou, Cheryl, Dwarakesh, Harita and Liang! We are the ICP team working with Medtronic on a digital health strategy. We were really excited to be working with one of the world’s leading medical device companies and be a part of their journey in improving healthcare outcomes for physicians, hospitals and patients.
High growth industry with mega trends
We were connected to the Medtronic US and Europe teams a few months earlier where we learned about the massive digital health opportunity at hand and the significant improvements it can bring to the way hospitals work and to the physicians’ and patients’ experience. The scope was what got us all excited, and was the reason we had selected the project. Healthcare is one of the industries going through significant changes with technology advancement. We feel it is a great way to learn about one of the high growth industries while putting our knowledge and skills acquired over the year to work.

A diverse team bringing out the best
When we learned we were allocated the Medtronic project, we first noticed how varied yet relevant our skillsets were as we all brought a different perspective to the table. Together, we have a medical physicist, a former head of business development at a healthcare company, a digital specialist, a technology start-up founder and a financial analyst. Having worked on the project for 3 weeks already, we see how we are complimentary to each other. We challenge each other in a healthy manner while learning from each other’s expertise.

Anou and Dwarakesh with expertise in the medical device industry help the team understand the inner workings of the industry as well as the medical jargon. Harita and Liang with expertise in digital capabilities help the team on technology aspects such as ecosystems and platform models. And Cheryl with finance background always reminds the team to not to forget numbers! All of us together are working on providing Medtronic with a solid strategy in continuing its leadership position in the medical device industry.
A mini consulting project ahead of a consulting career
Medtronic was also very helpful in arranging for interviews with key stakeholders, where we heard about and witnessed the problems in healthcare today and the possibilities that digital can solve. For some of us with no medical background, interviewing doctors was not only fun but came with a lot of learnings. We have continuous contact with the client who constantly guides us in the right direction. On top of that, we have two faculty members who act as our advisors. Prof. Goutam Challagalla and prof. Öykü Isik with their expertise in marketing, strategy and cyber security provide us with valuable support as well as challenge us to do more. All in all, doing a consulting project is a great way to end the year – especially as some of us are moving into consulting careers.
By Anou, Cheryl, Dwarakesh, Harita, Liang