Reflections from the IMD MBA ombuds, elected by the class to nurture connections and communication between the class and the MBA office.

The IMD MBA is a tapestry of people, cultures, and perspectives, all woven together to create a rich and vibrant experience. With such diversity, the need for individuals who can serve as conduits between the class and the MBA office cannot be overstated. The depth of the experience is contingent upon fostering a sense of connection and understanding.

At the start of the year, our Dean, Professor Omar Toulan, emphasized the significance of having Ombud individuals as part of the MBA experience. The selection of these individuals started with an election process. The MBA office and our cohort provided valuable input in selecting the six most promising candidates for interviews. After careful consideration, it was ultimately decided to entrust us, Siya and Marie-Amélie, with the responsibility of serving as the Ombuds people.

Celebrating our selection with Gyopar Sipos, from the MBA Office

We were overjoyed to have been selected, as it opened up a chance for us to forge meaningful connections with both the students and the leadership team at the IMD MBA office.

As Divya Soin noted during one of our first leadership classes, “Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about … be kind”. This is something we want to live by throughout this year; to remain open-minded and understanding, and ensure that each voice is heard and valued. One of the key challenges of being in such a role will be managing the expectations and needs of a diverse group of individuals, which is why we will have regular touchpoints with the class throughout the year to nourish a collaborative spirit.

This role presents us with a profoundly rewarding experience that allows us to grow as leaders, build lasting relationships with our classmates, and leave a meaningful impact on this institution. Four months have passed since we embarked on this journey. As we reflect on all that we have experienced and accomplished thus far, one thing becomes abundantly clear: cultivating a profound feeling of togetherness between our classmates and the MBA office is essential to creating a truly unique and fulfilling MBA experience.

Marie-Amélie and Siya

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