Suitcase, passport, keys, IMD cap… let’s go! The day had finally come it’s MBAT time! On 3 May, the train from Lausanne to Paris came alive with laughter, music, and dancing. After months of practice and anticipation, we finally had the chance to join the largest gathering of MBAs in Europe and compete with them in a three-day tournament at HEC Paris.
Since January, we have been learning about HighPerformance Leadership, and how to unleash the astonishing potential of teams by caring for, inspiring, and challenging one another. This time, we got to apply these principles and see them in action. The results were outstanding – 12 medals (a new IMD record), including gold in the Battle of the Bands, golf, cricket, and even Risk!

One could think that a small cohort would go unnoticed in an event with almost 1500 MBA students, but IMD’s “Real Impact” could be seen (and heard!) all around the HEC campus. For three days, we ran, sweat, scraped knees, and, most importantly… had lots of fun! But what was really inspiring to see was how we supported each other every step of the way. No matter what time the matches took place, day or night, our classmates, Program Coordinators, and even our Dean, Professor Omar Toulan, were always there to cheer us on – louder than any other team!

Being part of such an intensive program has turned us into a truly close-knit community, and the MBAT allowed us to deepen those bonds even further. It was also a fantastic opportunity to get to know MBAs from other business schools, explore Paris, and “live the glamour” at the gala that marked the end of yet another incredible experience this year.

As the rain washed over Paris, we took in the last few moments, the last selfies, and enjoyed the last macarons. We returned to Lausanne sore and exhausted but, as we say in Portuguese, with a full heart (“de coração cheio”) and memories we will carry with us forever.

Now it’s time to say goodbye and return to our hectic schedules, with exams coming up in a few days. Wish us luck!