Summer is here. In some ways it is a respite from a clockwork like schedule of the classroom but that doesn’t imply that summer is going to be all play. In fact a lot of it is going to be work. This week I have arrived in Paris to kickoff my summer project with one of the largest Energy companies in the World. I am so excited to finally have the opportunity to pursue my passion – solar energy.

I remember my IMD application was splashed with one and only one goal and that was to get to learn as much about Solar energy as possible. Of course at the time it was an aspiration, a very serious one, but nonetheless an aspiration. But today I finally have the opportunity to take the first few steps in the direction of making that aspiration a reality.

As I had mentioned in my last post, the slow re-entry into the real World has begun for me and my classmates. NTF conferences (about which Aysylu and Fouad have written) was one such avenue. It was quite an experience to present our views on myriad topics to business professionals from across industries. We received some very encouraging response and gained confidence by realising that in most cases our perspectives were just as attention-worthy as any others.

The Summer project is yet another opportunity to bring our unique perspective and skills to the real world and hopefully make a small but noteworthy contribution to the organisations that we will interact with.

And yes, it is hard to explain the feeling of seeing France win the semi’s in Paris. The French brought the city down but then they deserved it.

Wish you all a great summer.

Take care!




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