My name is Hans Bergers and I am an Aerospace Engineer by training. This year I am the only Dutchman in class. This means that the responsibility is on my shoulders alone to live up to the stereotypes, such as riding my bike to school every day. In the morning this makes for an easy whizz downhill to the beautiful lakeside. In the evening a bit less so. Among many other things, these little trips emphasize for me the quality of life that you can find here.
My wife is in the Netherlands. Although we talk nearly every day, I am really looking forward to seeing her again at Easter. In the meantime, I am conscious of the strain I am imposing, and grateful for the sacrifice she is bringing.
Having a flatmate really brings me back to my days at TU Delft. Coming from Peru, Rodrigo has very different, and at the same time very complementary, personality traits and behaviors from me. This way it is not only a lot of fun to share an apartment, but also a great opportunity to become more self-aware.
In the meanwhile, I try to hone my leadership skills and fine-tune my intercultural sensitivity, whilst leveraging the ‘Dutch brutal honesty’ to contribute to effectiveness in our project team. Through constant learning in the pressure cooker of the IMD MBA program, our team has by now become a streamlined delivery outfit, able to churn out numerous academic tasks, in parallel to the work for the startup company which we are supporting.
Before coming out to Lausanne I was working at Royal Dutch Shell in various roles and together with my team members and stakeholders we rolled out a number of projects.
Here at IMD, I am again experiencing what a world class company this is. Having worked with my very diverse colleagues, proves to be an invaluable resource which I frequently tap into during this transformational journey.
Success to me is when my team – or colleagues for that matter – feel that in working with me they have obtained an outcome which they otherwise would not have achieved.
Hans Bergers