There is a clear buzz of excitement in the dungeons (aka study rooms) this week. The work being done is strictly confidential, so life outside our rooms has really turned into more of a social engagement such as playing foosball and talking about careers and life outside of the MBA. This mirrors more of a work scenario that we will be re-entering into in the coming months and provides a very finely balanced and planned transition by IMD.
Our client is the Danish company UNEEG, in the MedTech field, and is at the leading edge of their industry having developed First-ever EEG recorder for ultra-long-term monitoring which give epilepsy patients a step towards seizure freedom. They have really leaped, thanks Professor Howard Yu, from the current way of monitoring epilepsy in the form of a diary or extended stays at a hospital covered in an EEG cap, to an implantable device that records EEG patterns allowing patients to lead normal lives.

Working with the company team is inspirational. The passion they show for their product and how their belief and dedication to changing epileptic patients’ lives is infectious. We have had many one on one (Zoom) meetings with the top executive team and listening to their stories and vision has really pushed my team to bond and throw everything we have at the strategic problem they have given us.

Unfortunately, this year has limited our ability to travel and meet with the companies and key stakeholders, but once again as MBA participants we are rightly expected to rise to the challenge. An example of this is that we are planning on doing an ideation workshop with our clients and are saying to ourselves; let’s take it to the next level, use the platforms that IMD has, book out the visual rooms and learn how to pull this off in the most professional way possible. We can now see that the world we are going to go work in is very different from the world we left to start our journey at IMD. We may as well use this as a learning experience and train ourselves to produce premium interactions even at a distance.
It is exciting to see how the ICPs provide an excellent stage to bring all our learnings together, especially in terms of the hard skills and the softer leadership skills we have been refining all year.