Prospective candidates have already reached out to all of us current MBAs. One of their top questions is, “How does the IMD Career Development Center (CDC) help you find a post-grad job?” A question that is especially relevant in these uncertain pandemic times. But the answer is not so simple.
Career Development
My four short months at IMD have been full of realizations. Half of those realizations come from the amazing CDC staff and events. We have explored what really motivates each one of us, and identified jobs that best match our motivations.

A recurrent IMD theme (or is it a Professor Benoit Leleux theme?) is to stop accepting a “deferred life plan.” In your job search, don’t accept anything that does not align with your passions.
That is easier said than done, which is why this month my classmates and I are exploring career options. We are requesting informational interviews left and right (sorry to alumni!). And we are planning larger events for our peers with industry leaders.
Career Clusters
In true IMD tradition, the MBA class has organized itself into “Career Clusters” or clubs for participants with common career interests. As is the IMD MBA modus operandi, my eagerness can’t be contained, and I subscribed to half the Career Clusters.
On 24 May, we are having a massive “Cluster Day” packed with MBA-led career events. I am planning a mini case competition for my peers to explore how big data is changing healthcare. The Healthcare Cluster is working with local startup Clinerion for the case, and industry leaders as competition judges.
MBAs will receive access to datasets for analysis and use the data to build a profitable business proposal. They will have to consider the regulatory and ethical implications of their proposals. As a result, they will encounter the vast possibilities and logistical difficulties of using AI. In the end, they will present their best recommendations to the judges, and maybe catch the eye of an industry leader.
Follow along for the rest of May to see how the event comes together.