The 2024 MBA Blog Team

Meet the authors of the MBA Blog.

Ananya Bala, Veronica Durando, Yonjai Lee, Abhinav Muddappa, Prateek Prabhune, Carlotta Schwarz, Sélim Sfar, and Anne Qiuting Zhong.

We hope you will enjoy following their journey and getting to know them.

Guest writers
Guest writers often share their perspective of the MBA program - from partners to alumni, faculty to recruiters, or participants who are suddenly inspired to write!
Carlotta Schwarz
MBA student 2024, American/Italian Public Speaking MBA committee lead
Prateek Prabhune
MBA student 2024, Indian
Sélim Sfar
MBA student 2024, French/Tunisian
Abhinav Muddappa
MBA student 2024, Indian Tech & AI club lead
Anne Qiuting Zhong
MBA student 2024, Chinese Luxury Goods MBA club lead
Ananya Bala
MBA student 2024, Canadian
Yonjai Lee
MBA student 2024, South Korean
Veronica Durando
MBA student 2024, American Health and Science MBA club lead