As the scorching summer heat in Lausanne started to take a toll on most of the class, the July break could not have come sooner. The two weeks before the summer break were a whirlwind of exams, a discovery expedition to the west coast (Silicon Valley), and the digital analytics lab – all in quick succession with barely any time to catch one’s breath. Back in January when we were notified of the exact dates of the summer break, plans had been made to take a trip to a new country, or possibly do a four-week internship. By the time June ended, the first half of the year had been so draining that I only wanted to head back to the comforts of an air-conditioned home in Delhi.
Discovery expedition
The Silicon Valley trip was an experience of a lifetime for most of us. Aside from the learnings from the company visits, it was a chance to connect with our classmates away from school. From eating more Indian food than I normally would, to hiking along the Dipsea trail with Edu and Venice, it was an adventure that will live long in my memory.

Digital analytics lab
As we returned jetlagged from San Francisco, the digital analytics lab was the first thing we had to tackle. While the entire week was extremely competitive with all groups vying for the top spot, it gave us the chance to work closely with an entirely new group and get to know them even better. An extremely fortunate by-product of this was learning not only of Nantwin’s mastery of Excel but also of his eagerness and appreciation for good “dad jokes”.

Summer break
As I write this from my home in Delhi, I can say that the summer break has been a delightful interlude, an opportunity to reconnect with friends and family, rejuvenate my spirit, and reflect on the invaluable lessons that have enriched my journey so far at IMD.

While I am sure everyone must have missed their home on more than a few occasions in the past six months, I realize now that the essence of home lies not only in its physicality but in the people who make it a sanctuary of love, laughter, and growth. With that in mind, IMD has truly been a home away from home for all of us and while we only have half a year left, it will undoubtedly be one of the best semesters of our lives.
Before I wrap up this blog post, I must acknowledge the home-cooked Biryani I owe to a few people in class (chiefly Aishwarya, Arjun, and Rohan). To that end, I shall be spending the remainder of my holiday learning to cook it to perfection and hopefully get that monkey off my back!