As the summer break draws to a close, I find myself anticipating the months ahead. Discussions with alumni have made it clear that this next chapter will be intense and complex. Job hunting is never easy, and finding the right fit adds another layer of stress. Managing the unanswered applications, job interviews, and ongoing academic work will be hard work. Despite this, I’m sure that the months of self-reflection and self-discovery I’ve experienced so far will prove immensely useful as I face this new challenge.

To cope with stress and to help maintain balance, I rely on meditation and exercise. It is no secret that an MBA at IMD can be quite challenging. As tasks keep piling up, personal life becomes hard to focus on, and the uncertainty of the future can create a lot of anxiety.
Although my journey with meditation has only just begun, I’ve already seen significant benefits. My first session was back in April with Erick Rinner, a resident alumnus, whose class introduced me to this new practice. I remember arriving in class that morning feeling upset and frustrated, with a throbbing headache from lack of sleep. As he shared his journey with meditation and mindfulness, I started to wonder how much of what he had learned I could put into practice in my everyday life.
We did many exercises focused on concentration and mindfulness, and I realized how scattered my mind was and how difficult it was to concentrate on a simple task like breathing. After our three-hour session, I was surprised to find that my headache had cleared, and I felt peaceful and calm. Since then, I’ve been exploring various types of meditation – both alone and with more experienced classmates. The benefits have been evident from the start, and I’m grateful to have discovered this tool for managing stress.

Exercise is another pivotal aspect of maintaining my focus and concentration. The IMD gym facilities have become a second home to me, but throughout the year, I’ve discovered many more sports thanks to my friends in the cohort.

First, pétanque, a typical French sport that can be played on a sunny afternoon with just a couple of steel balls and a patch of land. This game captivated me so much that I ended up playing at MBAT and even winning a medal with my team. It is still one of my favorite activities on a lazy Sunday.

Second, cricket, famous in England and India, which I had never seen played before. Thanks to team captain Prateek Prabhune and all-star player Tejas Jalan, I have gotten to know and enjoy the sport a lot. Spanning from France to India, sports have brought us all a lot closer and created some great memories.
Banner image: includes IMD MBA students: Abel Moya, Carlotta Schwarz, Kyohei Oe, Sélim Sfar, Veronica Durando, Tejas Jalan, Stephanie Hudson, Jack Davis, Sebastian Wilson, Gilles Anoma, Dinesh Nair