The tensions around campus remain high as the search continues for the next stage of our career paths. At the moment, we are enduring the stresses of interviews, cover letters, and case cracking. This is the final week dedicated solely to our job search before we switch our focus to the challenges of our ICP clients (see @anthony’s 2020 International Consulting Project introduction).

But during this stressful and uncertain time, we are using the skills and bonds we have built throughout the year. Along with a little humor, we are supporting one another to get through the purgatory of the search. Peek into a study room and you might see pairs cracking cases, the top half of a suit hanging for an afternoon zoom interview, or a discussion on resume review.

As you walk down the dungeon/study room hallway, you’ll see the “Wall of Rejection”. This showcases some lighthearted quips scribbled to provide a bit of comic relief to the rejection letters that have started to arrive. During these times, it is not the learnings from finance and accounting that are getting us through. Instead, the takeaways from our leadership journey enable us to support one another and keep our composure.
In a few weeks time, hopefully we’ll start to see the “Wall of Offers” take shape on the opposite wall as all of this stress and anxiety pay off in a meaningful way.
Looking forward to the celebrations to come!