The recruitment phase of the IMD MBA begins in earnest as participants prepare to re-enter the job market, starting with first-round interviews. Wish them luck!

Our MBA year is gradually coming to an end. We had our last class on Tuesday, and graduation is barely three months away. Meanwhile, we have successfully transitioned into full recruitment mode and are gearing up to re-enter the job market!

The next 2.5 weeks are dedicated to job search. There are company presentations (online and virtual), networking events, case cracking (for those interested in consulting), and preparing for and completing interviews with exciting and attractive companies.

We have adjusted quite well to the new normal of video and virtual interviews. Thanks to the career services team, we have had, and still have, the resources to help us prepare for several rounds of interviews behind the computer screen.

And of course, with these days come increased stress and lots of work. We have to cross several hurdles to get to our dream jobs, location, and company. But we do remember that we are the formidable *centumfortes*! So we embark on this journey believing in ourselves, helping and challenging each other, and putting our best selves forward in front of companies.

As Jean-François Manzoni always reminds us, “Neurons that wire together, fire together”. Therefore, the key for us this season is to repeatedly fire together so that we will wire stronger together.

To my classmates, I say *all the best* as you challenge what is and inspire what could be in your dream careers! Remember to stay healthy, exercise and smile!


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