The weeks dedicated to recruiting activities are coming to an end. However, we continue to work hard together and benefit from on-campus company and alumni presentations and recruiting activities.
PMI Company Presentation
It was exciting to hear from the Philip Morris International PMI team team Massimo Adolina, Alpesh Chaddha, Michele Carville, Sudiptha Pal, Ankit Mahajan, Paula De Lacerda and Suzanne Partner. They shared how they are working to transform the company to deliver a smoke-free future for the millions of smokers in the world. Even more exciting are the opportunities that exist for us to make history and impact that will last for generations.

NEOM Presentation
We also had David Heron present the visionary project NEOM, a new vision of what the future could be. The concept is a home for people who dream big and who want to be part of building a new model for sustainable living. But beyond the project, David is passionate about NEOM. He is able to find purpose in what he does there, and I truly find this inspiring!
As I reflect on the past days, I think about how we’ve supported one other by coaching, cheering, and encouraging. This support is particularly appreciated as the myriads of recruitment emails start to hit our mailboxes. One thing is certain, we have grown to be much more than classmates, we’ve become friends and to some, brothers and sisters.

And to wrap it all up, despite the grind, we choose to celebrate together. And what better way to celebrate than for our Social Committee to throw us an Oktoberfest party!

As the saying goes, “The best beers are the ones we drink with friends”. It was a good opportunity to dress up in some Drindl and lederhosen. Even more importantly, we could celebrate together and catch up with friends over good beer, food, and music.