IMDMighty90 MBAs adapt to the COVID challenge, focus on exams and continue to support each other.

Uncertainty, volatility, complexity…. Are we talking about a Start-Up? It could be, but in these difficult days we are talking about the current feelings of millions. Like the rest of the world, the #IMDMighty90 are coping with these challenging times, here in Switzerland and in our native countries where our families are, thus our hearts.

Since the crisis started, strict measures have been taken to ensure the safety and health of IMD and Lausanne’s community, the program was prepared to implement measures and continue. We have officially entered the period of exams and the #IMDMighty90 has adapted to the circumstances and we are handling this challenging situation. How do we do this?

  1. Remain calm
    There are different strategies from meditating to exercising at home. One thing has proven to be successful, it is disconnecting from the information overload of negativity and focusing on our studies. Soon we have exams and they are going to be demanding. What a great opportunity to concentrate more and get the best results on accounting, marketing, etc.
  2. Keep positive
    Our mind usually wanders, and now in isolation even more. However, we know that this experience is indeed unique. Overcoming a top MBA under a global environment full of ambivalence will give the IMD MBA 2020 class an undoubtful signature of resilience.
  3. Be compassionate
    The Swiss and global authorities are working 24/7 to contain the spread of the virus. We are aware that we belong to the Lausanne and Swiss communities as well as to a global community. Helping those around us means mitigating the risks with our behavior. 
  4. Look for and provide support
    IMD has different channels to assist the students:
    • The MBA office has done an outstanding job backing us to continue reaching our academic and professional goals.
    • We have Coaches, who advise us to keep engaged in our projects and improve our performance despite the challenges of dispersed teams.
    • The Jurgen Psychoanalysts are making us aware of the reasons behind our reactions when we face difficulties.
    • From our side, we are committed to work hard and remain focused, we care about the well-being of each other.
Virtual entrepreneurship class with Professor Benoit Leleux

We remain united and with an unbroken spirit, here we are and here we’ll be!!!


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