We are Team 1, and as part of our real-learning startup joint venture project, we have been paired up with Aikemy. This is an inspiring Swiss startup that builds IoT solutions for Food and AgriTech applications. These applications boost yield, improve safety, and reduce cost, waste, and pollution.
Our work with Aikemy is inspiring. It is a startup whose mission perfectly matches both our program’s goals and our personal interests. From day one, our esteemed Dean, Omar Toulan, instilled in us the responsibility to use our education to make a positive impact on society. In fact, IMD has revamped the whole MBA curriculum to place sustainability at its core.
Each one of us on this team is very different. We hail from three different continents; we represent six different nationalities; and we speak a total of eight languages. Even our heights range from 5’2 to 6’2. However, we all share an undeniable passion which overcomes our differences. We all want to learn how technology can increase sustainability, and especially aid farmers in emerging markets.

Being in a team that is passionate about playing a role in enabling productivity-climate protection is something we are all grateful for. We hope that Aikemy’s solutions will empower small farmers to compete with the big players. At the same time, they will help to provide animals with optimal feed. This would not only improve their gut and overall health, but consumers will also benefit from the resulting higher-quality meat.
Though it has only been two weeks since we took on this project, we have already learned so much. Our first set of deliverables, a sales and market strategy for Aikemy’s CEO, is due next week. While we are still in brainstorming and research phase, our diversity is helping. In terms of backgrounds, one team member has sales, two come from consulting, one is our finance specialist and one has central neutrality. Armed with passion and our various skillsets, we are ready for a unique, valuable real-life learning experience. What’s more, we are very thankful to have an impressive team coach, Professor Lief Sjoblom, on this journey with us.
Team 1 looks forward to sharing more on our learnings and improvements and goal to empower small farmers.
Tenzin (author), Felipe, Sahil, Getrude and Akio