We are currently in the middle of one of the most important parts of the MBA program: the job search.
Most students generally rate the strength of an MBA program based on its success in helping them with their careers following their degrees. While some people are aiming for the so-called “3D career switch”, meaning changing geography, function, and industry simultaneously, others have a more conservative approach and change just one or two dimensions. As for me, I am quite flexible with the dimensions and mostly wish to land where I will be able to deploy my full potential and put into practice most of the skills I have learned throughout the year.
Backpack Scholarship support
As I shared with you in my first blog, I am the lucky beneficiary of this year’s #Backpack scholarship for Women. In addition to giving me financial assistance to complete this program, members of the foundation have been a tremendous support throughout this journey ̶ whether through offering advice or reviewing my resumé and cover letter, or through job counselling and interview practices, I really feel blessed to be part of such community. My metaphorical Backpack is now surely filled with more than it needs to successfully complete this journey and I am confident for a brighter future. A special thank you goes to Hanne De Mora and Sara Enriquez.

Career development activities
On the other hand, the IMD Career Development Center team is working non-stop to help us with our career development. During the last month, IMD has hosted several company events where companies have presented their current openings and shared testimonies from current employees. Special thanks here goes to Avgoustinos Souridis, Daniele Ticli, and Anna Kovalenko.

Classmate collaboration
And finally, as other alumni used to share with us, do your homework and trust the process. Despite the ups and downs, I do appreciate the support and collaboration we have had as a cohort to share information and events and to support each other throughout this part of the journey. Special thanks goes to Shibata Takafumi, Sandamini Wijeratne, and Ankit Gupta. This quote from Fernando Flores resonates with me now more than ever: “Great work is done by people who are not afraid to be great.” I am confident I am made of more, and I surely aim for great opportunities.