As the IMD MBA class returns from their second set of discovery expeditions, the signs of fall are starting to creep in. Shorter days and cooler mornings bring a fresh feeling to the air. The cool air also brings with it a reminder that our December graduation date is fast approaching; one cannot help but turn one eye to what comes next after the IMD program.

The Career Development Center (CDC) at IMD must have seen this coming, as they have reserved two weeks in September for recruitment and networking events on campus. These visits bring with them a sense of opportunity and excitement, but also a sense of scarcity; after all, no single company can hire the entire class.
Previous blog posts have referenced the ‘buffet of opportunities’ made available to the MBA class – after eight months of intense learning, travel, and exploring new opportunities, it is safe to say that nearly everyone has discovered a new topic that catches their interest. However, reality dictates that we cannot have everything and must eventually select a path. Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, puts it well with his famous quote:
You can’t catch a fish on a hook by going after the whole school.
As an MBA class, we must choose the right opportunity for each of us. Of course, selecting which ‘fish’ to go after is no easy undertaking. One piece of advice that I’ve found to be quite helpful in this situation is from author Jim Paul:
A smart person learns from their own mistakes; a wise person learns from the mistakes of others.
Fortunately, IMD makes it easy to heed this advice by providing support via the mentoring program. Tapping into the global network of intelligent, caring, and successful alumni who are generously paying it forward to the next generation, each MBA student is connected with a mentor who provides objective feedback and advice. The program has proved valuable to many in identifying which paths to pursue post-MBA.

To me, the best part of the mentoring program at IMD is the sense of community and comradery that it demonstrates. As a future alumnus, I am humbled to be considered in the same group as these individuals and I have faith that this tradition of paying it forward will be carried on by future generations. The amount of support that our peers have shown for each other through the career search process has been remarkable. Whether it be practicing for case interviews, referring opportunities, or organizing guest speaker sessions, the MBA class has made efforts to support each other in finding the right opportunity for each of us – this sense of tight-knit community helps to set IMD apart.
In closing, I want to thank my fellow peers for their generosity and encourage them to continue fostering this culture of caring and supportiveness for each other.